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Healthy Changes Coaching |  find an online health coach, health and wellness coach, health coach websites, best health coaching programs, health coach near me, holistic wellness coach, life coach counseling, wellness coach near me, wellness plan, happy life status, wellness coaching programs, life coach near me, financial planning for retirement, George Englert, what is a health coach, what does a health coach do, life coach, how to lose weight, holistic health, health and wellness, wellness coach, online coaching,
Healthy Changes Coaching |  find an online health coach, health and wellness coach, health coach websites, best health coaching programs, health coach near me, holistic wellness coach, life coach counseling, wellness coach near me, wellness plan, happy life status, wellness coaching programs, life coach near me, financial planning for retirement, George Englert, what is a health coach, what does a health coach do, life coach, how to lose weight, holistic health, health and wellness, wellness coach, online coaching,

As a result I’ve become more aware of the foods I eat and make better choices. I soon felt better and started doing push-ups and sit-ups three times a week. This led to building a home gym in my garage and I now have a regular workout routine. I've lost about 20 lbs and haven't been this strong in 25 years. I never thought I’d see the day I’d have my 25 year old body back! When I look in the mirror I’m proud of the changes that I see and the way I look and feel. I look forward to a better tomorrow and because of that, I feel even better about myself today. I don't feel like I am dieting or on some health kick regimen, it just somehow became “the way” that I am.



I am grateful to be in control of my life, my future, and my health. I marvel at the idea of creating an experience enabling others to do the same.


Healthy Changes Coaching |  find an online health coach, health and wellness coach, health coach websites, best health coaching programs, health coach near me, holistic wellness coach, life coach counseling, wellness coach near me, wellness plan, happy life status, wellness coaching programs, life coach near me, financial planning for retirement, George Englert, what is a health coach, what does a health coach do, life coach, how to lose weight, holistic health, health and wellness, wellness coach, online coaching,

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My name is George Englert and I am a certified Health and Wellness Coach.  I am here to help improve your life through enjoyable and sustainable lifestyle changes - the key to achieving happy life status!


In recent years I found myself struggling with the direction of my life and, quite simply, how I felt inside. I complained to doctors about mild shortness of breath, dizziness and an ongoing sense of depression. I was told I could stand to lose a few pounds. They ran some tests but couldn't find anything specifically wrong with me. I knew I wasn't in the best shape but couldn't seem to find the time or motivation to make the change.


During a web surfing session I stumbled upon health coaching and my interest was piqued.  When I was younger I loved staying in shape and looked strongly towards a career in Health or Physical Education, but I didn’t follow my heart, until now.


I decided to pursue Health Coaching with the idea of doing this part time, and possibly retire early making this a full time career. In the process I would coach, and be coached (as part of the curriculum) with other students on success towards becoming a Health Coach and on our own health journey as well.


No longer take daily antacid 


Nearly non-existent. No longer need pain relievers





consistently stabilized 


in EVERY AREA of life!!!


Marble Surface



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